Wohnung, Bau, Genossenschaft,
14 Prints on self-adhesive textile film, 90 x 60 cm each
The photographs were taken at 14 different housing cooperatives in Hamburg and featured in the exhibition Wohnen – und was noch? / Dwelling – and What Else? at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. While the exhibition focused on how these cooperative housing estates, built between the 1950s and 1970s, can be adapted to meet contemporary needs, the photographs highlight both the current state of the cooperative houses and their existing spatial qualities.
The exhibition was initiated as part of the show Together! The New Architecture of the Collective and curated by Ilka and Andreas Ruby, Leonard Wertgen and Marius Helten. It was first shown at the Vitra Design Museum: https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/en/exhibitions/together